The Korah Class.
This is great news.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
The Korah Class.
This is great news.
i haven't got much of a story.
i'm in my late teens, grew up in it, and got out of the society's regime by the skin of my teeth.
nearly go baptized because i firmly did believe it was the "truth" but because of a gut feeling that held me back, that i almost ignored, i didn't sign my blood to big brother.
Best name on JWN!
can anyone comment on whether bethel is laying people off?
as in, sending folks out of bethel to go pioneer somewhere?
i have heard rumors but would like more detail.
Sir82, that's messed up. Wow.
this is a major find and holding top ranked will get tens of thousands of hits.
get your licks in comments and vote up the good guys.
10 observations about jehovah's witnesses and the book of .... huffington post-it is argued repeatedly that only jehovah's witnesses are truly faithful to god and so they are uniquely situated to understand the contents of ....
I swear the comments section of online articles from any website are always better than the actual article. Check out this comment by one of the active JWs.
"I enjoyed reading your interesting post. I won't reply to the opinions stated in the article, I do want to quickly address a few facts. First the statement "few nonmembers ever see this book because of the organization's reclusive nature" is probably not correct. I have 'placed' a few 'Revelation' books over the years, and I can assume from the activities of my fellow 'JW's' that they have also. That is a lot of books put into the public at large. It would be better to assume that many people do not see this book because the tell us they aren't interested in what we teach.Next is " the church's supposed substitution of the terms Lord and God for Jehovah." It is the word 'supposed' that is incorrect here. Dig a little deeper and I mean a very little and you will find this is fact. The 'Divine Name' represented by the transliterated letters YHWH is replaced with 'LORD' and 'GOD' in most Bibles. They usually give the reason for this in the forward of the Bible translation. Examples of Bible which do not do this are the Jerusalem Bible, J.P. Green's Interlinear Translation and The American Standard Version.
The last is your assumption that JW's are opposed to 'art'. This is not the case. We prefer to remove religious iconography and what the Bible refers to as immoral from what we allow ourselves to enjoy. Ostentatiousness is avoided also, but we do not practice asceticism."
I don't know one JW, that knows twenty other JWs that ever placed Revelation books out in field service. How is anybody or even a group of of people going to place a bunch of Revelation books with the public when most JWs hated going over the book when it was used for the Book Study? We went over that book, what two or three times? At least two that I can recall, and we hated it. Awful book. Looking back I think the book was so awful because even though we were indoctrinated, are brain's natural response to bull shit was that something smells.
can anyone comment on whether bethel is laying people off?
as in, sending folks out of bethel to go pioneer somewhere?
i have heard rumors but would like more detail.
For the record, they didn't get layed off. They were simply reassigned and are currently providing spiritual assistance to the congregations were they were assigned to.
i have really come to realize, the dress code these days is really really interesting.
young women at wearing their shorts, to the limit of hieght.
sandles are basically high heal shoes, with a strap to make it look like sandles.
LOL, Outlaw.
i was reading arthur schopenhauer and came across this gem as follows,.
"truth that has been merely learned adheres to us like an artificial limb, a false tooth, a waxen nose, or at best like one made out of anothers flesh; truth which is acquired by thinking for oneself is like a natural member: it alone really belongs to us.
here we touch upon the difference between the thinking man and the mere man of learning.
I was reading Arthur Schopenhauer and came across this gem as follows,
"Truth that has been merely learned adheres to us like an artificial limb, a false tooth, a waxen nose, or at best like one made out of another’s flesh; Truth which is acquired by thinking for oneself is like a natural member: it alone really belongs to us. Here we touch upon the difference between the thinking man and the mere man of learning. Therefore the intellectual acquirements of the man who thinks for himself are like a fine painting that stands out full of life, that has its light and shade correct, the tone sustained, and perfect harmony of colour. The intellectual attainments of the merely learned man, on the contrary, resemble a big palette covered with every colour, at most systematically arranged, but without harmony, relation, and meaning."
He died before the Bible Students came into fruition and was long gone before JW's came onto the scene, but dang if that quote doesn't apply to modern day JW's!!!!!
i have really come to realize, the dress code these days is really really interesting.
young women at wearing their shorts, to the limit of hieght.
sandles are basically high heal shoes, with a strap to make it look like sandles.
Ha! Shirley, Sir82!
By the way, Deanna Durbin was cute! I had to Google her. Cute.
...or maybe not.. .
what's today's date again?.
LOL, that's messed up. I thought something really happened to him.